ACTEC Summaries ACTEC 2016 Summer Meeting Musings (Including Fiduciary Income Tax “Bootcamp”)

Steve R. Akers

Sep 01, 2016
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Some of my observations from the 2016 ACTEC Summer Meeting Seminars in Boston, Massachusetts on June 16-18, 2016 are summarized below. (At the request of ACTEC, the summary does not include any discussions at Committee meetings.) This summary does not contain all of the excellent information from the seminars, but merely selected issues. The summary is based on the presentations at the seminars, but the specific speakers making particular comments typically are not identified. Items 1-32 come from the “Stand Alone” program titled “Boot Camp on Fiduciary Income Tax.” Items 33-69 come from a seminar titled—“The Hats ACTEC Fellows Now Wear and May Wear in the Future.”

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